Defendant Sentenced after Jury Trial

Franklin Armstrong Jr., formerly of Mountain Grove, was convicted of Child Molestation First Degree, Statutory Sodomy and Rape First Degree and other sex crimes after a jury trial.  The trial lasted three days from April 8th through the 10th.  The Jurors were Wright County citizens. 

He was sentenced by Judge Carter on June 18, 2024. The Defendant’s sentences are 15 years Child Molestation First degree consecutive to 4 years sexual misconduct of child consecutive to 15 years statutory sodomy first degree consecutive to 15 years statutory rape first consecutive to 7 years child endangerment first degree probation denied. The consecutive ruling by Judge Carter results in a 56 year sentence subject to mandatory sentences according to statute in prison.

“I want to thank the jurors, my paralegals, and Ms. Womble for the outcome in this case. Judge Carter heard argument from Ms. Womble, vicitm impact statements, and defense witnesses prior to making his ruling. The Defendant was held accountable by a Wright County jury that Ms. Womble and I spent three days presenting evidence. During the course of the trial the Defendant testified and I was able to cross examine him about his inconsistent statements and the investigation. I am very happy with the result. It brought closure for the victim and her family.”